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2015. május 01. - sunthatneversets


Most bunkók leszünk: nekünk ez a május a 18 év után új albummal jelentkező Faith No More-t jelenti. Ezt a lemezt várjuk jó pár hónapja és minden egyéb lemezt el fog homályosítani, pedig aztán lesz itt új Arcturus lemez, szintén hosszú idő után érkező Coal Chamber album, jön az új Helloween, aprít majd a Six Feet Under és iszappakol az új Weedeater is.

01.05    Spectral Haze - Elektriske Skrekkøgler Og Forhistoriske Framtidsfabler [Split] [EP]
01.05    Korpiklaani - Noita
01.05    Primigenium - Primigenium / Aversio Humanitatis [Split] [EP]
01.05    Satyricon - Live At The Opera [Live]
01.05    Kroda - Ginnungagap-Ginnungagaldr-Ginnungakaos
01.05    Diminished - Regurgitating Rotten Semen
01.05    Conducting From The Grave - Revival Of Forsaken Trials [EP]
04.05    Pitbulls In The Nursery - Equanimity
04.05    Samothrace - Live At Roadburn Festival XXIV [Live]
04.05    Indian - Live At Roadburn Festival XXIV [Live]
04.05    Trollfest - Live At Alrosa Villa [Live]
05.05    Criminal Element - Criminal Crime Time
05.05    Coliseum - Anxiety's Kiss
05.05    In This Moment - Rise Of The Blood Legion - Greatest Hits (Chapter 1) [Válogatás]
05.05    Six Feet Under - Crypt Of The Devil
05.05    Kamelot - Haven
07.05    Antigama - The Insolent
08.05    Arcturus - Arcturian
08.05    Sirenia - The Seventh Life Path
08.05    Magnum - Escape From The Shadow Garden - Live 2014 [Live]
08.05    Ethernal - Reborn As Fire
08.05    Civil War - Gods And Generals
08.05    Darkmoon - Decline
08.05    Domovoyd - Domovoyd
08.05    Darkness - Thrash Till Death! [Válogatás]
09.05    Elm Street - Heart Racer [EP]
11.05    Guardians Of Time - Rage And Fire
11.05    Orakle - Éclats
12.05    Signum Regis - Through The Storm [EP]
12.05    Fuck The Facts - Fuck The Facts / Fistfuck [Split] [EP]
12.05    The Body - Nothing Passes
12.05    Veil Of Maya - Matriarch
14.05    Entrails - Obliteration
15.05    Whitesnake - The Purple Album
15.05    Hypothermia - Svartkonst
15.05    Metsatöll - Pummelung [EP]
15.05    King Parrot - Dead Set
15.05    Hackneyed - Inhabitants Of Carcosa
15.05    Percival Schuttenbach - Mniejsze Zło
18.05    Faith No More - Sol Invictus
18.05    Eversin - Trinity: The Annihilation
18.05    Nibiru - Padmalotus
18.05    Tengger Cavalry - Blood Sacrifice Shaman
18.05    Vorum - Current Mouth [EP]
19.05    Coal Chamber - Rivals
19.05    Xul - Extinction Necromance [EP]
19.05    Will Haven - Open The Mind To Discomfort
19.05    Valborg - Romantik
19.05    Weedeater - Goliathan
19.05    Ironsword - None But The Brave
20.05    Vidunder - Oracles And Prophets
20.05    Velociter - Heir Of Solitude [EP]
20.05    Ilsa - The Felon's Claw
22.05    Revolting - Visages Of The Unspeakable
22.05    Orchid - Sign Of The Witch [EP]
22.05    Crystal Ball - Liferider
22.05    Emerald Sun - Metal Dome
22.05    Harmony - Remembrance [EP]
22.05    We Butter The Bread With Butter - Wieder Geil
22.05    Adramelch - Opus
22.05    Pyramaze - Disciples Of The Sun
25.05    Feared - Synder
25.05    Bong - We Are, We Were And We Will Have Been
25.05    Leprous - The Congregation
25.05    Magic Pie - King For A Day
25.05    Nocturnal Depression - Spleen Black Metal
26.05    Öxxö Xööx - Nämïdäë
28.05    Perzonal War - The Last Sunset
28.05    Amestigon - Thier
29.05    Sterbhaus - New Level Of Malevolence
29.05    Fjorsvartnir - Mzoraxc' Forbandelse
29.05    Karlahan - Exile
29.05    Iron Savior - Live At The Final Frontier [Live]
29.05    Cloud Rat - Qliphoth
29.05    A.R.G. - Redemption From Refaim
29.05    Make Them Suffer - Old Souls
29.05    Tarja - Luna Park Ride [Live]
29.05    Skinless - Only The Ruthless Remain
29.05    Destruktor - Opprobrium
29.05    Armored Saint - Win Hands Down
29.05    Supuration - Reveries...
29.05    Maruta - Remain Dystopian
29.05    Helloween - My God-Given Right

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