Szinte mindig azt mondjuk az év ezen szakaszában, hogy itt az uborkaszezon, pihennek a lemezkiadók, pihenünk mi is. Erre mit hoz a július? Pár igencsak érdekes megjelenést. Most nem is példálózunk, kattintsatok.
04.07 Warchief - A Place For Eveything And Everything In Its Place
07.07 Decapitated - Anticult
07.07 Blind Guardian - Live Beyond The Spheres [Live]
07.07 Bliss Of Flesh - Empyrean
07.07 Limbonic Art - Spectre Abysm
07.07 Method Of Destruction - Busted, Broke & American
07.07 Mr. Big - Defying Gravity
07.07 Melvins - A Walk With Love And Death
07.07 Orden Ogan - Gunmen
07.07 Ereb Altor - Ulfven07.07 Next To None - Phases
07.07 Excalion - Dream Alive
10.07 Jute Gyte - Oviri
14.07 Execration - Return To The Void
14.07 Enfold Darkness - Adversary Omnipotent
14.07 Obscurity - Streitmacht
14.07 Integrity - Howling, For The Nightmare Shall Consume
14.07 Edguy - Monuments [Válogatás]
15.07 Primitive Man - Fear / A Life Of Turmoil [EP]
18.07 Temple Of Void - Lords Of Death
21.07 Europe - The Final Countdown 30th Anniversary Show - Live At The Roundhouse [Live]
21.07 Decrepit Birth - Axis Mundi
21.07 Cytotoxin - Gammaggedon
21.07 Sun Of The Sleepless - To The Elements
21.07 Wintersun - The Forest Seasons
21.07 Pathology - Pathology21.07 Tau Cross - Pillar Of Fire
21.07 Unisonic - Live In Wacken [Live]
21.07 In This Moment - Ritual
21.07 Zgard - Within The Swirl Of Black Vigor
21.07 The Kindred - Weight [EP]
26.07 Adagio - Life
26.07 Shadowside - Shades Of Humanity
28.07 Rings Of Saturn - Ultu Ulla
28.07 Byzantine - The Cicada Tree
28.07 Soul Secret - Babel
28.07 Prong - Zero Days
28.07 Make Them Suffer - Worlds Apart
28.07 Rage - Seasons Of The Black
28.07 Alice Cooper - Paranormal
30.07 Michael Monroe - The Best [Válogatás]