
Így emlékeznek kedvenceink Neil Peartre

2020. január 13. - theshattered

A hétvégén robbant bele a rockervilág amúgy sem csendes vizébe Neil Peartnek, a Rush dobosának halálhíre. Az agydaganattal küzdő legenda január 7-én adta fel a harcot, a szomorú esetről pár nappal később a zenekar számolt be a közösségi média felületein. Az utána érkező dobosokra hatalmas hatást gyakorló ritmusmágusról természetesen a zenei világ több szereplője is megérkezett, ezekből mutatunk meg párat.

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Rest in peace, my brother. �

Geddy Lee (@geddyimages) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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It absolutely breaks my heart to pieces to get the news of the passing of one of my greatest heroes of all time. Neil Peart will always be a mentor and a hero to me and his influence on me as a drummer for the past 40 years is absolutely impossible to measure. But beyond that, over the past 15 years or so, he’s become a friend...always such a gentleman and a gracious host. Always inviting me to come to soundcheck and spend some time before the show whenever Rush was passing through. Always sending complimentary copies of his new books, or Holiday emails with pictures of he and his young daughter Olivia. I have so many memories through the years, but probably the most Special was the last time I saw him. I took my son Max to see Rush on their farewell tour as I wanted him to see the band before they retired...Neil ever the incredible gracious host invited us to soundcheck, let Max play his drums, gave him a pair of sticks and an autographed snare drum head and opened up his dressing room to us for the evening. The point is, if you were his guest you were family. I could go on and on and on but I need to process this. Sadly, I’ve known about Neil’s declining health for a few years now and always feared this news...but I am still shaken to the core in shock. My deepest condolences go out to Geddy and Alex, to Carrie and Olivia, to Michael and Lorne and Chris S, to Ray and Pegi, and to all of his faithful fans all around the world of which I will always be one of the biggest. Rest In Peace Bubba You’ll always be my hero � RIP Neil Peart

Mike Portnoy (@mikeportnoy) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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RIP #NeiPeart

Slash (@slash) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Duff �McKagan (@officialduffmckagan) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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I am completely heartbroken and crying about this #neilpeart my true Hero, I can’t believe this . My heart goes out to geddy and Alex and to all the @rush fans everywhere! �

Charlie Benante (@charbenante) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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The Spirit of Rush lives on Farewell to a King RIP #neilpeart

Alex Skolnick (@alexskolnick) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Goodbye Neil. Not only the greatest drummer but an amazing lyricist. Thank you for taking us all to beautiful, imaginary faraway places with your music. Much love to the Rush camp today.

Mike Inez (@mike_inez_official) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Rest In Peace to one of the greatest musicians of all time #neilpeart

Matthew kiichichaos Heafy (@matthewkheafy) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A Loudwire cikke, ahol még ennél is több fejhajtást olvashattok, IDE KATTINTVA érhető el.

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