
Májusi megjelenések

2022. május 01. - sunthatneversets


Májusban sem fogunk unatkozni, az az alábbi listából jól látszik. Teljes erővel beindult a szabadtéri koncertszezon is, így aztán a mi időnk is véges, de ígérjük igyekezni fogunk, hogy a koncertbeszámolók mellett a recenziók száma se csökkenjen az oldalon.

01.05 Dinenthal - Equinoctial Gales Of The Firth Of Lorne
01.05 Foul Body Autopsy - Shadows Without Light - Part Two [EP]
01.05 Elegeion - Plight Of The Heretic
01.05 Massacre - Shadows Out Of Innsmouth [Válogatás]
01.05 Valac - Howls Of Infinite Horror
01.05 Warchest - Impending Corrosion [EP]
03.05 Tenebro - L'inizio Di Un Incubo
04.05 Tómarúm - Ash In Realms Of Stone Icons
04.05 Whoresnation - Dearth
06.05 Demonical - Mass Destroyer
06.05 Depressed Mode - Decade Of Silence
06.05 Halestorm - Back From The Dead
06.05 Disquiet - Instigate To Annihilate
06.05 Tableau Mort - Visio In Somniis
06.05 Ibaraki - Rashomon
06.05 Wo Fat - The Singularity
06.05 Haunter - Discarnate Ails
06.05 Pure Reason Revolution - Above Cirrus
06.05 Jani Liimatainen - My Father's Son
06.05 Cosmic Putrefaction - Crepuscular Dirge For The Blessed Ones
06.05 Motor Sister - Get Off
06.05 Ufomammut - Fenice
06.05 I Am The Night - While The Gods Are Sleeping
06.05 Iku-Turso - Into Dawnless Realms
06.05 De Arma - Nightcall [EP]
06.05 Black Eye - Black Eye
06.05 Mother Of Millions - Orbit [EP]
06.05 Rise To The Sky - Every Day, A Funeral
13.05 Church Of The Cosmic Skull - There Is No Time,
13.05 Morgue Supplier - Inevitability
13.05 Cavernlight - As I Cast Ruin Upon The Lens That Reveals My Every Flaw
13.05 Misery Index - Complete Control
13.05 Famyne - II: The Ground Below
13.05 Katharos - Of Lineages Long Forgotten
13.05 Master Boot Record - Personal Computer
13.05 Visions Of Atlantis - Pirates
13.05 Zero Hour - Agenda 21
13.05 Graham Bonnet Band - Day Out In Nowhere
13.05 The Big Deal - First Bite
13.05 Demiricous - III: Chaotic Lethal
13.05 Nechochwen - Kanawha Black
13.05 Moon Tooth - Phototroph
13.05 Jungle Rot - A Call To Arms
13.05 Scitalis - Doomed Before Time
13.05 Sacred Son - The Foul Deth Of Engelond
13.05 Ratos De Porão - Necropolítica
13.05 Emma Ruth Rundle - Electric Guitar 2: Dowsing Voice
13.05 Aara - Triade II: Hemera
13.05 Norilsk - Beyond The Mountains [EP]
14.05 Haunt - Windows Of Your Heart
16.05 Horn - Verzet
16.05 Dunkelnacht - Sombre Nuit [EP]
17.05 Mendel - Equilibrium
18.05 Symphonity - Marco Polo - The Metal Soundtrack
20.05 Space Of Variations - Imago
20.05 Sadist - Firescorched
20.05 Sadistic Ritual - The Enigma, Boundless
20.05 Helsótt - Will And The Witch
20.05 Anvil - Impact Is Imminent
20.05 Evergrey - A Heartless Portrait (The Orphean Testament)
20.05 Malevolence - Malicious Intent
20.05 Septicflesh - Modern Primitive
20.05 MNRVA - Hollow
20.05 Come To Grief - When The World Dies
20.05 Thy Kingdom Will Burn - The Void And The Vengeance
20.05 Volturian - Red Dragon
20.05 Blut Aus Nord - Disharmonium - Undreamable Abysses
20.05 James LaBrie - Beautiful Shade Of Grey
20.05 Gronibard - Regarde Les Hommes Sucer
20.05 Cave In - Heavy Pendulum
20.05 Luminous Vault - Animate The Emptiness
20.05 Assumption - Hadean Tides
20.05 A Sound Of Thunder - The Krimson Kult
20.05 Quartz - On The Edge Of No Tomorrow
20.05 Spheric Universe Experience - Back Home
20.05 Imonolith - Progressions
20.05 Carnal Ghoul - Back From The Vault
23.05 Katharos XIII - Chthonian Transmissions
25.05 Gengis Khan - Possessed By The Moon
26.05 Ice War - Beyond The Void
27.05 Trollfest - Flamingo Overlord
27.05 Lord Belial - Rapture
27.05 The Heretic Order - III
27.05 Bloodhunter - Knowledge Was The Price
27.05 Sisyphean - Colours Of Faith
27.05 Def Leppard - Diamond Star Halos
27.05 Decapitated - Cancer Culture
27.05 Besvärjelsen - Atlas
27.05 Crematory - Inglorious Darkness
27.05 Baest - Justitia [EP]
27.05 Michael Schenker Group - Universal
27.05 Darkened - The Black Winter
27.05 Inferia - Grind Cumpaign
27.05 Circle Of Silence - Walk Through Hell
27.05 Urkraft - The True Protagonist
27.05 Cadaveria - Emptiness
27.05 Black Void - Antithesis
27.05 Mournful Congregation - The Exuviae Of Gods - Part I [EP]

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Kútmester 2023.05.14. 16:36:07

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