
Februári megjelenések

2021. január 31. - sunthatneversets


Február is hoz igazi csemegéket a keményzenékért rajongóknak, elég csak az alább listára pillantani. Vörössel szedve a tervezett recenziók, aztán reméljük sikerül is tartani a tervet.

01.02 Evil - Possessed By Evil
01.02 Purulent Jacuzzi - Natural Method Of Turning To Dust
01.02 Revulsion - Revulsion
01.02 StarGazer - Psychic Secretions
02.02 Sintax - Nano3000
05.02 Foo Fighters - Medicine At Midnight
05.02 Transatlantic - The Absolute Universe: Forevermore (Extended Version)
05.02 Transatlantic - The Absolute Universe: The Breath Of Life (Abridged Version)
05.02 Cult Of Luna - The Raging River [EP]
05.02 Incursed - Baskavígin
05.02 Komatsu - Rose Of Jericho
05.02 Angelus Apatrida - Angelus Apatrida
05.02 Chaos Echœs - Ecstasy With The Nonexistents [Live]
05.02 Omination - NGR
05.02 Keys Of Orthanc - Of The Lineage Of Kings
05.02 Korpiklaani - Jylhä
05.02 DSKNT - Vacuum γ​-​Noise Transition
05.02 Maestitium - Tale Of The Endless [EP]
05.02 The Ruins Of Beverast - The Thule Grimoires
05.02 Kalidia - Lies' Device (2021 Edition)
12.02 Sur Austru - Obârşie
12.02 Déhà / Humanity Defiled - So Humanity Burns [Split] [EP]
12.02 Sirenia - Riddles, Ruins & Revelations
12.02 Ad Nauseam - Imperative Imperceptible Impulse
12.02 God Is An Astronaut - Ghost Tapes #10
12.02 Malist - Karst Relict
12.02 Humanity's Last Breath - Välde
12.02 Emptiness - Vide
12.02 Aborym - Hostile
12.02 Abiotic - Ikigai
12.02 Ablaze My Sorrow - Among Ashes And Monoliths
12.02 Simulacrum - Genesis
12.02 The Pretty Reckless - Death By Rock And Roll
15.02 Crepitation - Perpetual Devolution Through Narcosis [Compilation]
15.02 Kjeld - Ôfstân
19.02 Magic Opera - The Golden Pentacle
19.02 The Amenta - Revelator
19.02 In Tormentata Quiete - Krononota
19.02 Harakiri For The Sky - Mӕre
19.02 Mogwai - As The Love Continues
19.02 Lake Of Tears - Ominous
19.02 Krokus - Adios Amigos Live @ Wacken [Live]
19.02 Whitesnake - The Blues Album [Válogatás]
19.02 Spire (AUS) - Temple Of Khronos
19.02 Merzbow - Coma Test
19.02 Merzbow - Bloodour
19.02 Suffering Hour - The Cyclic Reckoning
19.02 The Scalar Process - Coagulative Matter
21.02 Empyrium - Über Den Sternen
22.02 Alice Cooper - Detroit Stories
25.02 Todd La Torre - Rejoice In The Suffering
25.02 Vektor / Cryptosis - Transmissions Of Chaos [Split] [EP]
26.02 Anneke Van Giersbergen - The Darkest Skies Are The Brightest
26.02 16 / Grime - Doom Sessions Vol. 3 [Split] [EP]
26.02 Five The Hierophant - Through Aureate Void
26.02 Earthshine - My Bones Shall Rest Upon The Mountain
26.02 Architects - For Those That Wish To Exist
26.02 Scald - There Flies Our Wail! [EP]
26.02 Culted - Nous
26.02 Ominous Ruin - Amidst Voices That Echo In Stone
26.02 Sunnata - Burning In Heaven, Melting On Earth
26.02 Melvins - Working With God
26.02 Paranorm - Empyrean
26.02 Moonspell - Hermitage
26.02 Iotunn - Access All Worlds
26.02 Black Sheep Wall - Songs For The Enamel Queen
26.02 Cannibal Accident - Nekrokluster
26.02 Age Of Woe - Envenom
26.02 Of Mice & Men - Timeless [EP]
26.02 Vulgaris - Asundre
26.02 Attika - Metal Lands
26.02 Epica - Omega
26.02 Evergrey - Escape Of The Phoenix
26.02 LANDMVRKS - Lost In The Waves
26.02 Sister - Vengeance Ignited
26.02 Helstar - Clad In Black [Válogatás]
26.02 Einherjer - North Star
26.02 Bonfire - Roots [Compilation]
26.02 InHuman - InHuman
27.02 Carnivored - Labirin

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