
Júniusi megjelenések

2019. június 02. - sunthatneversets


Itt a nyár (?), de előtte még rabbant a lemezpiac. Júniusban is érkezik pár finomság, ráadásul egy kettőről már írtunk is. Vörössel szedve a tervezett recenziók sora, már ha a nyaralásba belefér :-)

03.06  Black Crucifixion - Lightless Violent Chaos
06.06  Wormlust / Skáphe - Kosmískur Hryllingur 
07.06  Consummation - The Great Solar Hunter
07.06  Tanzwut - Seemannsgarn
07.06  Motionless In White - Disguise
07.06  Xentrix - Bury The Pain
07.06  Heart Of A Coward - The Disconnect
07.06  Pelican - Nighttime Stories
07.06  Nebula - Holy Shit
07.06  Cave In - Final Transmission
07.06  Axel Rudi Pell - XXX Anniversary Live [Live]
07.06  Jess By The Lake - Under The Red Light Shine
07.06  Varg - Wolfszeit II
07.06  The Rods - Brotherhood Of Metal
07.06  Firespawn - Abominate
07.06  Enthroned - Cold Black Suns
07.06  Vulture - Ghastly Waves & Battered Graves
07.06  Combichrist - One Fire
07.06  Upon A Burning Body - Southern Hostility
12.06  Mary's Blood - Confessions14.06  Skelator - Cyber Metal
14.06  Freternia - The Gathering
14.06  Merging Flare - Revolt Regime
14.06  Winterwolf - Lycanthropic Metal Of Death
14.06  Kat - Without Looking Back
14.06  Thank You Scientist - Terraformer
14.06  Timo Tolkki's Avalon - Return To Eden
14.06  Slough Feg - New Organon
14.06  Nucleus - Entity
14.06  Ingested - Call Of The Void [EP]
14.06  Hate - Auric Gates Of Veles
14.06  Neal Morse - Jesus Christ - The Exorcist
14.06  Jorn - Live On Death Road [Live]
14.06  Crom Dubh - Firebrands And Ashes
14.06  Beheaded - Only Death Can Save You
14.06  This Gift Is A Curse - A Throne Of Ash
14.06  Baroness - Gold & Grey
14.06  Chaos Magic - Furyborn
21.06  (hed) p.e. - Stampede
21.06  Abyssal - A Beacon In The Husk
21.06  Gygax - High Fantasy
21.06  Ulvdalir - In Death's Cold Embrace [Split] [EP]
21.06  Kryptos - Afterburner
21.06  Eskapism - Ancient Songs Of The Wind
21.06  Memoriam - Requiem For Mankind
21.06  The Meads Of Asphodel - Running Out Of Time Doing Nothing
21.06  Organectomy - Existential Disconnect
21.06  Howling Sycamore - Seven Pathways To Annihilation
21.06  Teramaze - Are We Soldiers
26.06  Birdflesh - Extreme Graveyard Tornado
28.06  Nocturnal Breed - We Only Came For Violence
28.06  J.B.O. - Wer Lässt Die Sau Raus?!
28.06  Mammoth Storm - Alruna
28.06  Damim - A Fine Game Of Nil
28.06  Bloody Hammers - The Summoning
28.06  Bloodred Hourglass - Godsend
28.06  Stille Volk - Milharis
28.06  Denial Of God - The Shapeless Mass [EP]
28.06  Majesty - Legends
28.06  Yellow Eyes - Rare Field Ceiling
28.06  Turilli / Lione Rhapsody - Zero Gravity (Rebirth And Evolution)
30.06  Vulvodynia - Mob Justice

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