
Júniusi megjelenések

2020. június 01. - sunthatneversets


Júniusra is jut pár csemege, meg sok eltolt megjelenésű album, de a kettő ugye nem zárja ki egymást. Sok rockzenei stílus kedvelői megtalálhatják a számításukat a júniusi megjelenésekben, a prog metaltól a death-en át a core-ságokig. A lista csekkolásához katt a továbbra.

01.06  Carcinoid - Carcinoid​ / ​Charnel Altar [Split] [EP]
01.06  Zebadiah Crowe - Host Rider
01.06  The Funeral Orchestra - Negative Evocation Rites
04.06  Zmey Gorynich - Чёртовы Пляски
05.06  Hanging Garden - Against The Dying Of The Light [EP]
05.06  The Sword - Chronology: 2006-2018 [Válogatás]
05.06  Exhumed / Gruesome - Twisted Horror [Split] [EP]
05.06  Haken - Virus
05.06  Baneblade - Nazischweinejäger [EP]
05.06  Death Courier - Necrotic Verses
05.06  End (USA) - Splinters From An Ever​-​Changing Face
05.06  Make Them Suffer - How To Survive A Funeral
05.06  Holy Death - Celestial Throne Ov Grief [EP]
05.06  The Ghost Inside - The Ghost Inside
05.06  Powerwolf - Best Of The Blessed [Válogatás]
05.06  16 - Dream Squasher
06.06  Above Aurora - The Shrine Of Deterioration
12.06  Ulthar - Providence12.06  Taake - Jaertegn [Split] [EP]
12.06  Living Gate - Deathlust [EP]
12.06  Paralydium - Worlds Beyond
12.06  BPMD - American Made
12.06  Michael Angelo Batio - More Machine Than Man
12.06  Magnus Karlsson's Free Fall - We Are The Night
12.06  Behold The Arctopus - Hapeleptic Overtrove
12.06  House Of Lords - New World - New Eyes
12.06  Deep Purple - Whoosh!
12.06  Anonymus - La Bestia
12.06  Aversions Crown - Hell Will Come For Us All
12.06  Smackbound - 20/20
15.06  Sxuperion - Omniscient Pulse
16.06  Greyhawk - Keepers Of The Flame
17.06  Medicated - Descension
18.06  Aversio Humanitatis - Behold The Silent Dwellers
19.06  Shadowflag - In Asylum Requiem
19.06  Panopticon - Live Migration [Live]
19.06  Lamb Of God - Lamb Of God
19.06  Kall - Brand
19.06  Protest The Hero - Palimpsest
19.06  Whitesnake - The ROCK Album [Válogatás]
19.06  Vile Creature - Glory, Glory! Apathy Took Helm!
19.06  The Moon And The Nightspirit - Aether
19.06  Eisregen - Leblos
19.06  Mushroomhead - A Wonderful Life
19.06  Hail Spirit Noir - Eden In Reverse
19.06  Stygian Crown - Stygian Crown
19.06  Beyond The Black - Hørizøns
19.06  Vampire - Rex
19.06  Atavist - III: Absolution
19.06  The Bishop Of Hexen - The Death Masquerade
19.06  Cro-Mags - In The Beginning
20.06  Nexion - Seven Oracles
22.06  Ofermod - Pentagrammaton
22.06  Al-Namrood - Wala'at
23.06  Purtenance - Buried Incarnation
24.06  Lantern - Dimensions
26.06  Thunderslave - Unchain The Night
26.06  Pale Divine - Consequence Of Time
26.06  Mike LePond's Silent Assassins - Whore Of Babylon
26.06  Pessimist (GER) - Holdout
26.06  Aerial Ruin / Bell Witch - Stygian Bough: Volume I [Együttműködés]
26.06  Kenziner - Phoenix26.06  Fordomth - Is, Qui Mortem Audit
26.06  Irae - Lurking In The Depths
26.06  Serocs - Vore [EP]
26.06  Neptunian Maximalism - Éons
26.06  Mantar - Grungetown Hooligans II
26.06  Falconer - From A Dying Ember
26.06  Creature (FRA) - Ex Cathedra
26.06  Thecodontion - Supercontinent
26.06  VoidCeremony - Entropic Reflections Continuum: Dimensional Unravel
26.06  Fellwarden - Wreathed In Mourncloud
26.06  Wino - Forever Gone
26.06  Acherontas - Psychic Death - The Shattering Of Perceptions
26.06  Exocrine - Maelstrom
26.06  OHHMS - Close
26.06  Ahab - Live Prey [Live]
26.06  Long Distance Calling - How Do We Want To Live?
26.06  Hornwood Fell - Cursed Thoughts
26.06  Paysage d'Hiver - Im Wald
26.06  Carach Angren - Franckensteina Strataemontanus
26.06  Pyrrhon - Abscess Time
27.06  Entartung - Maleficae Artes
29.06  Sickening Horror - Chaos Revamped
30.06  Chugun - Rogue Planet
30.06  Sight Of Emptiness - Redemption
30.06  Paul Wardingham - Day Zero I: Rise Of The Horde

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