
Augusztusi megjelenések

2020. augusztus 02. - sunthatneversets


A Covid alapvetően írja át a lemezmegjelenéseket is, bár hozzá kell tegyük, hogy az augusztus még így sem sikerül gyengére. Hogy mennyire nem, az alább ki is derül!

01.08  Disconnect - Towards Peace
01.08  Kekal - Quantum Resolution
01.08  Barbarity - The Zymosis
01.08  Death Nöize - Rites, Curses And Spellsl.
03.08  Adversarius - In Nomine Draconis Inferni
06.08  Hecate (EGY) - In Nomine Artem Blackium
06.08  Megascavenger - Songs In The Key Of Madness
07.08  Scars - Predatory07.08  Vassafor - To The Death
07.08  Onslaught - Generation Antichrist
07.08  Nyktophobia - What Lasts Forever
07.08  Steve Von Till - No Wilderness Deep Enough
07.08  Misery Signals - Ultraviolet
07.08  Avatar - Hunter Gatherer
07.08  Stillbirth - Revive The Throne
07.08  Temple Nightside - Pillars Of Damnation
07.08  Selbst - Relatos De Angustia
07.08  Messiah - Fatal Grotesque Symbols - Darken Universe [EP]
07.08  Astriferous - The Lower Levels Of Sentience [EP]
07.08  Deep Purple - Whoosh!
07.08  Orbit Culture - Nija
07.08  Black Crown Initiate - Violent Portraits Of Doomed Escape
07.08  Obsecration - Onwards The Mystic Paths Of The Dead
12.08  Within Destruction - Yōkai
14.08  Decoherence - Unitarity
14.08  Primitive Man - Immersion
14.08  Nug - Alter Ego
14.08  Atræ Bilis - Divinihility
14.08  Ingested - Where Only Gods May Tread
15.08  Prosanctus Inferi - Hypnotic Blood Art
18.08  Dynfari - Myrkurs Er Þörf
19.08  Crimson Wind - Beyond The Gates
21.08  Ars Magna Umbrae - Apotheosis
21.08  Vicious Rumors - Celebration Decay
21.08  Töxik Death - Sepulchral Demons
21.08  Unleash The Archers - Abyss
21.08  Self Hypnosis - Contagion Of Despair
21.08  Velvet Viper - Pilgrimage
21.08  Incantation - Sect Of Vile Divinities
21.08  Cytotoxin - Nuklearth
21.08  Reasons Behind - Project: M.I.S.T.
21.08  Assignment - Reflections
21.08  Brimstone Coven - Woes Of A Mortal Earth
21.08  Misertus - Daydream / Coil / Outland [Compilation]
21.08  Mercyless - The Mother Of All Plagues
21.08  Voracious Scourge - In Death
21.08  Flame - Ignis Spiritus [EP]
21.08  Veonity - Sorrows
21.08  Atramentus - Stygian
21.08  Blues Pills - Holy Moly!
21.08  Mad Max - Stormchild Rising
21.08  Velvet Viper - From Over Yonder
26.08  Possession (USA) - Disentombed Manifestations [Válogatás]
28.08  Panzerfaust - The Suns Of Perdition - Chapter II: Render Unto Eden
28.08  Hinayana - Death Of The Cosmic [EP]
28.08  Pain Of Salvation - Panther
28.08  Venomous Concept - Politics Versus The Erection
28.08  Metallica - S&M 2 [Live, DVD]
28.08  Pig Destroyer - The Octagonal Stairway [EP]
28.08  Redemption - Alive In Color [Live? DVD]
28.08  Ripped To Shreds - Exhumed From Eastern Tombs [Split] [EP]
28.08  Necrot - Mortal
28.08  Ulver - Flowers Of Evil
28.08  Poema Arcanus - Stardust Solitude
28.08  Manticora - To Live To Kill To Live
28.08  Wills Dissolve - Echoes
28.08  Vanishing Point - Dead Elysium
28.08  Nonexist - Like The Fearless Hunter

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