
Augusztusi megjelenések

2021. augusztus 01. - sunthatneversets


nem mondjuk, hogy a valaha látott legerősebb augusztus jön, de érdekes megjelenésekben nem lesz hiány. Vörössel szedve a tervezett recenziók, aztán majd meglátjuk.

01.08 Gnosis - Omens From The Dead Realm
01.08 Unreqvited - Beautiful Ghosts
03.08 Diskord - Degenerations
03.08 Grisly - Salting The Earth
06.08 Vessel Of Iniquity - The Doorway
06.08 Agrypnie - Metamorphosis
06.08 Groza - The Redemptive End
06.08 Within The Fall - Veil Of Winter
06.08 Lingua Ignota - Sinner Get Ready
13.08 Destruction - Live Attack [Live]
13.08 Ænigmatum - Deconsecrate
13.08 Fawn Limbs - Darwin Falls
13.08 Burial In The Sky - The Consumed Self
13.08 Sepultura - SepulQuarta [Live]
13.08 Lorna Shore - …And I Return To Nothingness [EP]
13.08 Slaughter To Prevail - Kostolom
13.08 Prestige - Reveal The Ravage
13.08 Killing - Face The Madness
20.08 Ulver - Hexahedron (Live At Henie Onstad Kunstsenter) [Live]
20.08 Necronautical - Slain In The Spirit
20.08 Wolves In The Throne Room - Primordial Arcana
20.08 Daemonicus - Eschaton
20.08 Megadeth - Unplugged In Boston [Live]
20.08 Warkings - Revolution
20.08 Bonehunter - Dark Blood Reincarnation System
20.08 Sodom - Bombenhagel [EP]
20.08 The Amenta - Solipschism [EP]
20.08 Between The Buried And Me - Colors II
20.08 Witchcryer - When Their Gods Come For You
20.08 Mentalist - A Journey Into The Unknown
20.08 Deafheaven - Infinite Granite
25.08 Mitochondrial Sun - Bodies And Gold [EP]
27.08 Wormwitch - Wolf Hex
27.08 Phinehas - The Fire Itself
27.08 Obscurity - Skogarmaors
27.08 Our Place Of Worship Is Silence - Disavowed, And Left Hopeless
27.08 Ex Deo - The Thirteen Years Of Nero
27.08 White Stones - Dancing Into Oblivion
27.08 Toxic Ruin - Nightmare Eclipse
27.08 The Slow Death - Siege
27.08 Dark Arena - Worlds Of Horror
27.08 Sculptured - The Liminal Phase
27.08 Hooded Menace - The Tritonus Bell
27.08 Jinjer - Wallflowers
27.08 Wormwood - Arkivet
27.08 Leprous - Aphelion
27.08 Spirit Adrift - Forge Your Future [EP]
27.08 Thyrfing - Vanagandr
27.08 Fluisteraars - Gegrepen Door De Geest Der Zielsontluiking
27.08 Neal Morse - Innocence & Danger
27.08 Transport League - Kaiserschnitt
27.08 Nunslaughter - Red Is The Color Of Ripping Death
30.08 Eonean - Forsaken Memories

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