
Októberi megjelenések

2021. október 03. - sunthatneversets


Eléggé sűrű október vár az egyszeri fémzene rajongóra, elég csak megnézni a lenti listát, amely most a szokásosnál is hosszabb. Jó böngészést hozzá.

01.10 Wage War - Manic
01.10 Asking Alexandria - See What's On The Inside
01.10 Chronicle - Undivided [EP]
01.10 Frontierer - Oxidized
01.10 Blood Youth - Visions Of Another Hell
01.10 Xenosis - Paralleled Existence
01.10 Vetrar Draugurinn - The Night Sky
01.10 Vindicator - Communal Decay
01.10 Pharmacist - Carnal Pollution [EP]
01.10 Mrtvi - Autology: The Shadow Work
01.10 Megalith Levitation - Void Psalms
01.10 Gràb - Zeitlang
01.10 Iku-Turso - At The Crack Of Dawn [EP]
01.10 Cataleptic - The Tragedy
01.10 Anima Hereticae - Ov Behest [EP]
01.10 Foul Body Autopsy - Shadows Without Light - Part One [EP]
01.10 6:33 - Feary Tales For Strange Lullabies: The Dome
01.10 Abstracter - Abominion
01.10 Churchburn - Genocidal Rite
01.10 Light Of The Morning Star - Charnel Noir
01.10 Katavasia - Invoking The Spirit Of Doom [EP]
01.10 Enslaved - Caravans To The Outer Worlds [EP]
01.10 Full Of Hell - Garden Of Burning Apparitions
01.10 Venefixion - A Sigh From Below
01.10 Ministry - Moral Hygiene
01.10 Gloosh - Sylvan Coven
01.10 Katatonia - Mnemosynean [Válogatás]
01.10 Bummer - Dead Horse
01.10 Crystal Spiders - Morieris
01.10 Caveman Cult - Blood And Extinction
01.10 Duel - In Carne Persona
01.10 Big Brave / The Body - Leaving None But Small Birds [Kollaboráció]
01.10 Hex A.D. - Funeral Tango For Gods And Men
01.10 Kryptos - Force Of Danger
01.10 KK's Priest - Sermons Of The Sinner
01.10 Abigail (JPN) - Grotesque Nightmare [Válogatás]
05.10 Putrevore - Miasmal Monstrosity
05.10 Teramaze - And The Beauty They Perceive
05.10 Anomalie - Tranceformation
05.10 ZAÄAR - Magická Džungl’a
06.10 Le Chant Noir - La Société Satanique Des Poètes Morts
08.10 The Breathing Process - Labyrinthian
08.10 Blood Red Throne - Imperial Congregation
08.10 Eclipse - Wired
08.10 Black Sites - Untrue
08.10 Norse - Ascetic
08.10 Antichrist Siege Machine - Pruifying Blade
08.10 Manimal - Armageddon
08.10 Hegemon - Sidereus Nuncius
08.10 Untamed Land - Like Creatures Seeking Their Own Forms
08.10 Trivium - In The Court Of The Dragon
08.10 Alda - A Distant Fire
08.10 Atræ Bilis - Apexapien
08.10 Creeping Death - The Edge Of Existence [EP]
08.10 Gus G. - Quantum Leap
08.10 Desalmado - Mass Mental Devolution
08.10 Alkuharmonian Kantaja - Shadowy Peripherals
08.10 Kowloon Walled City - Piecework
08.10 Havukruunu - Kuu Erkylän Yllä [EP]
09.10 Between Worlds - Between Worlds
13.10 Cenotaph (TUR) - Precognition To Eradicate
15.10 Avdagata - Damnatio Cursus [EP]
15.10 Alcatrazz - V
15.10 Gemini Syndrome - 3rd Degree - The Raising
15.10 Destinity - In Continuum
15.10 Leverage - Above The Beyond
15.10 Lords Of Black - Alchemy Of Souls - Part 2
15.10 Hate - Rugia
15.10 Aeon - God Ends Here
15.10 Vildhjarta - Måsstaden Under Vatten
15.10 Extreme Cold Winter - World Exit
15.10 Necromantia - To The Depths We Descend...
15.10 The Agonist - Days Before The World Wept [EP]
15.10 The Lucid - The Lucid
15.10 She Said Destroy - Succession
19.10 Deimler - A Thousand Suns
20.10 Bizarre - Invocation Codex
21.10 Mercury Circle - Killing Moons
22.10 Burning Point - Arsonist Of The Soul
22.10 Green Lung - Black Harvest
22.10 U.D.O. - Game Over
22.10 Waking The Cadaver - Authority Through Intimidation
22.10 Necrofier - Prophecies Of Eternal Darkness
22.10 Dream Theater - A View From The Top Of The World
22.10 Cradle Of Filth - Existence Is Futile
22.10 Catalyst Crime - Catalyst Crime
22.10 Zornheym - The Zornheim Sleep Experiment
22.10 1914 - Where Fear And Weapons Meet
22.10 Every Time I Die - Radical
22.10 Bloodred Hourglass - Your Highness
22.10 Sixx:A.M. - Hits
22.10 Livløs - And Then There Were None
22.10 Massacre - Resurgence
22.10 Shadowland (USA) - The Necromancer's Castle
22.10 Sulphurous - The Black Mouth Of Sepulchre
22.10 Worm - Foreverglade
22.10 Armored Saint - Symbol Of Salvation [Live]
22.10 Furze - Black Psych Tormentor [EP]
26.10 Outre-Tombe - Abysse Mortifère
26.10 Toward The Throne - Vowed To Decline
29.10 Teeth - Finite
29.10 First Fragment - Gloire Éternelle
29.10 Running Wild - Blood On Blood
29.10 Kayo Dot - Moss Grew On The Swords And Plowshares Alike
29.10 Archspire - Bleed The Future
29.10 Helheim - WoduridaR
29.10 Ghost Bath - Self Loather
29.10 A Secret Revealed - When The Day Yearns For Light
29.10 Lucifer - Lucifer IV
29.10 Beast In Black - Dark Connection
29.10 Be'lakor - Coherence
29.10 Joe Bonamassa - Time Clocks
29.10 Ad Infinitum - Chapter II: Legacy
29.10 Count Raven - The Sixth Storm
29.10 Ophis - Spew Forth Odium
29.10 Cult Of Eibon - Black Flame Dominion
29.10 Doedsvangr - Serpents Ov Old
29.10 Whitechapel - Kin
29.10 Mastodon - Hushed & Grim
29.10 Begat The Nephilim - II: The Grand Procession
29.10 Thulcandra - A Dying Wish
29.10 David Reece - Blacklist Utopia
29.10 Holy Death - Separate Mind From Flesh
29.10 Death SS - Ten
31.10 Gutalax - The Shitpendables
31.10 When The Deadbolt Breaks - As Hope Valley Burns: Eulogy

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