
Októberi megjelenések

2022. október 02. - sunthatneversets


Októberben is dübörög a metal és a rock gépezete. A teljesség igénye nélkül lemezzel jelentkezik a The Cult, a Queensrÿche, a Lamb Of God, a Skid Row, az Alter Bridge és még sokan mások. Hogy pontosan kik, az a tovább után.

03.10  Even Flow - Mediterraneo [EP]
04.10  Dream Theater - Made In Japan - Live (2006) [Live]
04.10  Siren (USA-FL) - A Mercenary's Fate
04.10  Homeskin - Itch Ecstasy
06.10  The Cult - Under The Midnight Sun
06.10  Teramaze - Flight Of The Wounded
07.10  Queensrÿche - Digital Noise Alliance
07.10  Lamb Of God - Omens
07.10  Aenaon - Mnemosyne
07.10  Cloud Rat - Threshold
07.10  Armed For Apocalypse - Ritual Violence
07.10  Ritual Dictates - No Great Loss
07.10  De Profundis - The Corruption Of Virtue
07.10  Languish - Feeding The Flames Of Annihilation
07.10  Asgrauw - Façade
07.10  Goatwhore - Angels Hung From The Arches Of Heaven
07.10  Blind Illusion - Wrath Of The Gods
07.10  Sumac - Into This Juvenile Apocalypse Our Golden Blood Yo Pour Let Us Never [kollaboráció]
07.10  Midnight Rider - Beyond The Blood Red Horizon
07.10  Parius - The Signal Heard Through Space
07.10  Resin Tomb - Unconsecrated​/​/​Ascendancy [EP]
07.10  The Antichrist Imperium - Volume III: Satan In His Original Glory
07.10  Faceless Burial - At The Foothills Of Deliration
07.10  A.A. Williams - As The Moon Rests
07.10  Gillian Carter - Salvation Through Misery
07.10  Mastic Scum - Icon
07.10  Borealis - Illusions
07.10  Coffin Torture - Blennoid
07.10  Wednesday 13 - Horrifier
07.10  Sleeping Romance - We All Are Shadows
07.10  Ellefson-Soto - Vacation In The Underworld
07.10  Heavy Metal Perse - Jumalia Paossa
07.10  From The Vastland - Taurvi
07.10  Illyria - Take Me Somewhere Beautiful
07.10  Major Parkinson - Valesa – Chapter I: Velvet Prison
07.10  Deep Purple - Live In Tokyo 2001 [Live]
07.10  Deep Purple - Live In Hong Kong 2001 [Live]
07.10  King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms And Lava
07.10  Thundering Hooves - Radiance
07.10  Counterparts - A Eulogy For Those Still Here
07.10  Aara - Phthonos [EP]
07.10  Woods Of Wonders - Lost
07.10  Cynic - Ascension Codes (Instrumentals) [EP]
07.10  Dead Neanderthals - Metal
10.10  Embrace Of Thorns - Entropy Dynamics
10.10  Infiltration - Extinct
11.10  King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Laminated Denim
14.10  Skid Row - The Gang's All Here
14.10  Dragonland - The Power Of The Nightstar
14.10  Victoria K - Kore
14.10  Grin - Phantom Knocks
14.10  Eleine - Acoustic In Hell [EP]
14.10  Birds In Row - Gris Klein
14.10  Lacuna Coil - Comalies XX
14.10  Cavernous Gate - Voices From A Fathomless Realm
14.10  Lorna Shore - Pain Remains
14.10  Chevalier - Ancient Metal Attack [EP]
14.10  Alter Bridge - Pawns & Kings
14.10  After All - Eos
14.10  Catalyst - A Different Painting For A New World
14.10  Mother Of Graves - Where The Shadows Adorn
14.10  Imprecation - In Nomine Diaboli
14.10  Hydra Vein - Unlamented
14.10  Riot City - Electric Elite
14.10  Stormruler - Sacred Rites & Black Magick
14.10  Ripped To Shreds - 劇變 (Jubian)
14.10  Hagetisse - De Verminkte Stilte Van Het Zijn
14.10  Konquest - Time And Tyranny
14.10  Jaded Heart - Heart Attack
14.10  Varials - Scars For You To Remember
14.10  Sedna - Last Sun [EP]
14.10  Oferwintran - It Often Befalls Those
14.10  Poppy - Stagger [EP]
15.10  Gevurah - Gehinnom
17.10  Vita Imana - VI
19.10  Avantasia - A Paranormal Evening With The Metal Hammer Society [EP]
20.10  Kawir - Nyxtos Teletisin [Válogatás]
21.10  Avatarium - Death, Where Is Your Sting
21.10  Sahg - Born Demon
21.10  Cabal - Magno Interitus
21.10  Avantasia - A Paranormal Evening With The Moonflower Society
21.10  No Return - Requiem
21.10  Architects - The Classic Symptoms Of A Broken Spirit
21.10  Mägo De Oz - Love 'N' Oz II [Compilation]
21.10  Brutus (BEL) - Unison Life
21.10  Iron Allies - Blood In Blood Out
21.10  The New Roses - Sweet Poison
21.10  Arena - The Theory Of Molecular Inheritance
21.10  Coathanger Abortion - Plan C
21.10  Wesenwille - III: The Great Light Above
21.10  Black Royal - Earthbound
21.10  The Otolith - Folium Limina
21.10  Black Math Horseman - Black Math Horseman [EP]
21.10  In This Moment - Blood 1983 [EP]
21.10  Exhumed - To The Dead
21.10  White Skull - Metal Never Rusts
21.10  Freedom Of Fear - Carpathia
21.10  Black Space Riders - We Have Been Here Before
21.10  Inclination - Unaltered Perspective
21.10  Stryper - The Final Battle
21.10  Cryptic Rising - All Decaying Form [EP]
21.10  The Lord - Devotional [Collaboration]
21.10  Ggu:ll - Ex Est21.10  God Alone - ETC
22.10  Ketha - Wendigo22.10  Seizure - Forbidden Tales
23.10  Band Of Spice - How We Play The Game
24.10  Metalian - Beyond The Wall
24.10  Morbific - Squirm Beyond The Mortal Realm
25.10  Golgotha - Mors Diligentis
25.10  Detraktor - Full Body Stomp
28.10  Obsidious - Iconic
28.10  Vananidr - Beneath The Mold
28.10  Psychonaut - Violate Consensus Reality
28.10  Fear Factory - Recoded [Válogatás]
28.10  Dead Cross - II
28.10  Implore - The Burden Of Existence
28.10  Noctem - Credo Certe Ne Cras
28.10  Slaughter The Giant - Depravity
28.10  Sodom - 40 Years At War - The Greatest Hell Of Sodom
28.10  Them - Fear City
28.10  Theotoxin - Fragment: Totenruhe
28.10  Forlesen - Black Terrain
28.10  Fit For A King - The Hell We Create
28.10  Demon Hunter - Exile
28.10  Royal Hunt - Dystopia – Part II
28.10  Jordfäst - Av Stoft
28.10  Onward - Of Epoch And Inferno
28.10  Therion - Leviathan II
28.10  Antropofagus - Origin
28.10  Devin Townsend - Lightwork
28.10  Antipope - Rex Mundi
28.10  Bones - Vomit
28.10  Worm - Bluenothing [EP]
28.10  Nostromo - Bucephale
28.10  Polyphia - Remember That You Will Die
28.10  Despised Icon - Déterré [EP]
28.10  Abyssic - Brought Forth In Iniquity
28.10  Deathsiege - Throne Of Heresy
28.10  Darkthrone - Astral Fortress
28.10  Kill Ritual - Kill Star Black Mark Dead Hand Pierced Heart
28.10  King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Changes
28.10  Defleshed - Grind Over Matter
28.10  Spell - Tragic Magic
28.10  Wretched Inferno - Cacophony Of Filth
28.10  Hoaxed - Two Shadows
28.10  Anna Pest - A Moor Beneath The Cold Dead Sun [Collaboration] [EP]
28.10  Stormhammer - Never Surrender - 30 Years Of Power [Compilation]
28.10  Universally Estranged - Dimension Of Deviant Clusters
29.10  Project Pain - Faster Disaster
30.10  Mamaleek - Diner Coffee31.10  VHS - Deep Gashes And Long Lashes

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Zelmo · 2022.10.02. 19:34:56

King Gizzard csak 3 lemezt ad ki októberben? Hogy nem szégyenlik magukat...

Figy L M 1 ideYEeeah 2022.10.22. 19:56:47

Október 14.-én megjelent a Bush - The Art Of Survival lemeze. Kár hogy máshonnan kellett megtudnom. Még egy pirossal való kiemelést is megért volna. Egyébként a lemez nagyon jó, ajánlom mindenkinek.

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