
Decemberi megjelenések

2022. december 04. - sunthatneversets

new-release-report.JPGJön a Karácsony, meg az Újév, jönnek a különleges kiadások, válogatások, meglepi EP-k, de igazából erre az évre már semmi igazán érdekes. Gondoljuk most, de aztán hátha ...

02.12  Boris - Fade
02.12  Eyrth - Meridian
02.12  Ultha - Forget Everything And Remember (The Lost And Obscure) [Válogatás]
02.12  Death Reich - The Final Plague [EP]
02.12  Ancient Mastery - Chapters One & Two [Válogatás]
02.12  Opus Arise - The Network
02.12  Isafjørd - Hjartastjaki
02.12  Ancient Mastery - Chapter Two: The Resistance
02.12  Myrkgand - Rituals & Wisdom
02.12  Jours Pâles - Tensions
02.12  Within Temptation - The Aftermath EP [EP]
02.12  Celestial Season - Mysterium II
02.12  Call Of Charon - The Sound Of Sorrow [EP]
02.12  Neopera - Tuba Mirum [EP]
02.12  Heron - Empires Of Ash
02.12  T.O.M.B. - Terror Winds
02.12  Tarja - Best Of: Living The Dream [Válogatás]
02.12  Qrixkuor - Zoetrope [EP]
02.12  Udånde - Slow Death - A Celebration Of Self-Hatred
02.12  Amberian Dawn - Take A Chance - A Metal Tribute To ABBA
02.12  Hammers Of Misfortune - Overtaker
02.12  Eisregen - Wiedergänger [EP]
02.12  Astral Experience - Clepsidra Pt. 1: Esclavos Del Tiempo [EP]
02.12  Imha Tarikat - Hearts Unchained - At War With A Passionless World
02.12  Veilburner - VLBRNR
06.12  Misanthrope - Les Déclinistes
08.12  Ploughshare - Ingested Burial Ground
09.12  Souldrainer - Departure
09.12  Autumn's Grief - Dead By The Dawn
09.12  Fäust - Death From Beyond
09.12  The Temple - Of Solitude Triumphant
09.12  Woods Of Desolation - The Falling Tide
09.12  Gomorra - Dealer Of Souls
09.12  Deathless Legacy - Mater Larvarum
09.12  After Lapse - Face The Storm
09.12  Godkiller - We Are The Black Knights [Válogatás]
09.12  Highlord - Freakin' Out Of Hell
09.12  Harakiri For The Sky - Harakiri For The Sky MMXXII
09.12  Harakiri For The Sky - Aokigahara MMXXII
09.12  Krilloan - Emperor Rising
09.12  Dream Theater - Live At Wacken (2015) [Live]
09.12  Maladie - Wound Of Gods
09.12  Whiskey Ritual - Kings
09.12  Journey - Live In Concert At Lollapalooza [Live]
09.12  Arrayan Path - Thus Always To Tyrants
09.12  Chained To The Bottom Of The Ocean - I Tried Catching You But You Fell Through Me [EP]
09.12  Serenity - Memoria [Live]
09.12  Obsecration - The Last Vision Before The Obliteration [Válogatás]
09.12  Colonial Wound - Easy Laugh
09.12  Vargsheim - In The Tower Of Ivory
10.12  Flub - Dream Worlds [EP]
10.12  Frowning - Of Void [EP]
12.12  Krvna - For Thine Is The Kingdom Of The Flesh
15.12  Stoneblood - Shrines of Morbid Indignity
16.12  Kuolemanlaakso - Kuolleiden Laulu [EP]
16.12  Dødsengel - Bab Al On
16.12  Arche - Transitions
16.12  Hellish - The Dance Of The Four Elemental Serpents
16.12  Bucovina - Suntem Aici
16.12  Rage Of Romance - Dark Equation Of God
16.12  Mare Infinitum - Cryosleep
16.12  Misþyrming - Með Hamri
20.12  Fleshgore - Carnival Of Flesh
21.12  Liv Moon - Our Stories
21.12  Scalpel - Century In The Boilpit [EP]
23.12  Irae - Assim Na Terra Como No Inferno
24.12  Tusenårseken - Mardr​ö​msmeditationer
25.12  Medenera - L'età Degli Eroi
28.12  Necrodeath - Singin' In The Pain
30.12  Feuerschwanz - Todsünden
30.12  Chabtan - Compelle Intrare

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