Tegnapelőtt hoztuk le a hírt: lapátra került a jövő januárban új lemezzel jelentkező, márciusban Budapestre látogató Lorna Shore énekese, CJ McCreery. A zenekar akkor nem ismertette a nem feltétlen könnyes búcsú miértjét, viszont most McCreery egyik volt barátnője, Nicole Garvey által sejthető lett egy-két dolog, mégpedig két elég aljas ügyben: zaklatás (érzelmi és szexuális is) és rasszizmus! Az angolul tudók kedvéért lentebb be is ágyaztuk az ex barátnő Twitter bejegyzéseit. McCreery azóta törölte minden közösségi felületét.
Since he deleted his Instagram our messages are gone, but he was dm’ing me about if it was okay or not to see a 17 year old fan he wanted to fuck.
— ����� ������ (@blairwitchbabe) 2019. december 24.
So yeah, fucking glad he finally got outed, and I’m so glad Nicole and all his victims can feel a little better now. https://t.co/Uaj7Vevu2P
And this goes along with this thread but again CJ McCreery making women uncomfortable, going against their boundaries and being a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. pic.twitter.com/zlPGjhAE46
— Nicole Garvey (@nicolexgarvey) 2019. december 24.
Not surprising, but wow another shitty situation Cj McCreery put a female in. pic.twitter.com/KoLSBlD8Zk
— Nicole Garvey (@nicolexgarvey) 2019. december 24.
Anyways 2016 screenshots with Cj
— Nicole Garvey (@nicolexgarvey) 2019. december 24.
I realize now there’s another reason than “having class” why he didn’t want me talking about his dick lmao
Oh and just some stuff about him hating woman and people of color I have time stamps if you insist and will send u a screen recording lol pic.twitter.com/X2Rbx25WK4
(1/2) Everyday it depressed me knowing someone who did SO much to not only me but so many countless other women, was walking around, head held high, smiling, being idolized, feeling on top of the world with NO repercussions of his actions. It made me sick mentally and physically.
— Nicole Garvey (@nicolexgarvey) 2019. december 24.
So I’m so thankful that he is finally not getting away with the horrible things he does. I thank everyone for their kind words and support, this made my closure finally an option for me, and I feel a huge weight lifted off of my chest. Thank you.�
— Nicole Garvey (@nicolexgarvey) 2019. december 24.
@nicolexgarvey thank you for coming forward with all of this. You're so brave and doing the right thing.
— Noah Lavoie (@noah_lavoie) 2019. december 24.
@nicolexgarvey came directly to your page after I saw their status. I’m surprised how many local people on fb are saying they knew that he was a racist, rapist, misogynist but none of them ever said that last week. Last week it was dude this song is BEEFY
— Brent Vaccaro (@BrentVaccaro) 2019. december 23.
kinda messed up that only now people are thanking @nicolexgarvey for coming forward when she’s been speaking up for TIME. thankfully she’s getting that recognition finally and can hopefully gain some closure and healing
— daddy dave (@devonlovescatz) 2019. december 24.
Waking up from a nap to see that CJ is out of the band and people are FINALLY listening to @nicolexgarvey & the other victims is really a good thing to wake up to. Sorry it took this long �
— ᴀʟʏssᴀ (@omandalyssa) 2019. december 23.