"Fura, földöntúli hangzású, pezsgő hangulatú, napfényes furcsaságnak" titulált anyagon dolgozik Devin Townsend. A jövőre Budapestre újra ellátogató muzsikus várhatóan Lightwork címen adja majd ki a pakkot (ennek pontos idejét még nem tudni), erről a Twitteren árult el némi információt az Empath turnéciklusát félbehagyott zseni.
I think I’m writing an album, unexpectedly...called ‘Lightwork’ that is abstract and stream of conscious. Still significantly far away from anything, but it’s determinedly taking shape. It’s been odd though, as every record is a reflection of the time it was conceived
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) August 4, 2020
...and this is clearly a weird time. It’s strange, abstract, meandering, and weird. If I try to curb it and write something more disciplined, it would be a dumb rehash of stuff I’m clearly bored of. So I follow this where it wants to go...
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) August 4, 2020
Almost seems like it would make sense for it to be a continuous, shifting, colourful beast as opposed to a collection of songs, more like songs in a highly elaborate and sort of alien stream of conscious: no real beginning or end...
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) August 4, 2020
But regardless: as much as I have tried to shift my motivations from this weird collection of work to something more ‘palatable’ it seems clear that this is what’s in my path now, so I’m going to finish it in the way that it insists
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) August 4, 2020
I suppose considering the strange unique intensity of this period, it makes perfect sense when I hear it...
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) August 4, 2020
Anyways: the next album, unexpectedly, will be called ‘Lightwork’ and though it’s still being discovered, it’s a weird, alien sounding, effervescent , sunny load of oddness...
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) August 4, 2020
Alien as in: ‘this makes no traditional sense but seems to have an underlying order’
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) August 4, 2020
Visually, I see a weird kind of muted ‘Winnie the Pooh’ type landscape with endless processions of characters, objects, people, creatures etc wandering from one side of the page to the other, an endless parade of dissimilar things, and just kind of watching them go by.
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) August 4, 2020