Százhetvenezer kanadai dollárt, azaz mintegy harmincöt millió magyar forintnyi összeget ölt bele a legújabb, múlt pénteken megjelent albumába, az egyébként zseniális Empathba Devin Townsend (még ma olvashattok róla nálunk egy lemezismertetőt). A kopasz zseni vagyona a további kiadói támogatás ellenére is olyan szinten ráment erre a lemezre (melyen több vendégzenész, egy teljes kórus és nagyzenekar is szerepel), hogy elmondása szerint, ha nem hozza a megfelelő bevételeket a dalcsokor, akkor le is húzhatja a rolót.
Természetesen ezért Townsend arra kéri a rajongóit, hogy a korábbi nyilatkozatainak ellentmondva, NE lopják el, töltsék le az Empath anyagát, hanem aki teheti, vegye meg, támogassa őt ezzel is. Minderről egy hosszabb, az alábbiakban olvasható tweet-sorozatban számolt be a zenész.
Hey all. There’s been some mails to me from people who rely on my work to pay the bills about my thoughts of piracy and downloading (1)
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) 2019. március 27.
I feel it’s useless to fight leaks or streaming, in fact: many musicians who have done so appear petty or ungrateful. I feel resigned to it, and have probably said so in the past...
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) 2019. március 27.
However there’s a bunch of folks who think what I meant by that was ‘I don’t need to sell these things, so go ahead and take it’ and I guess my quotes in the past would imply that.
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) 2019. március 27.
Here’s the thing: I spent 170k of my own money on the album and the label have spent a ton on the peripheral part of it. I would never tell people what to do or not to do, I’m happy to just be allowed to do what I do...
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) 2019. március 27.
But please know if it loses a ton, it simply won’t be able to continue. The label has gotten mails saying that I don’t care if it gets taken for free, which I guess I may have said in the past, but please know lots of people have invested lots into this and now I feel foolish.
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) 2019. március 27.
Please support physical product if you can, I don’t care that it leaked, but if my prior actions or words justified that, then I have to retract whatever it is I said. I have a big mouth and I just like making tunes basically
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) 2019. március 27.
Love to you all - Dumbass Townsend
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) 2019. március 27.
I think my biggest problem is that I hate money, and I hate monetization of art. Yet the two have to coexist so I often have to do that stuff. I hope this makes an ounce of sense. I don’t give a shit, but I seriously need to give a shit.
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) 2019. március 27.
For those confused: I re-signed my entire back catalog after it came up for renewal last year for 150k, then proceeded to spend 170 on my stupid record because I am a financial genius. :))
— Devin Townsend (@dvntownsend) 2019. március 27.